weight loss

What Are The Best Weight Loss Supplements?

There are a thousand different fat burners out there with fancy names and often steep prices, but what ingredients do you really want?

In this article, you will find the top 10 weight loss supplements that will help you in your weight loss and also your recovery, your metabolism, and your performance.

Many weight loss supplements in the market contain some of these ingredients, but what better way to make sure that you are really getting enough of what you need than by taking pure dietary supplements?

It is more and more popular to prepare your own weight loss supplements and adapt them according to your own needs.

Weight loss doesn’t happen without a strict diet and an intense training plan, but these dietary supplements can dramatically improve the weight loss process when used correctly.

# 1 Green tea extract

Arguably one of the most popular dietary supplements for weight loss Green tea has been proven to slow the absorption of carbohydrates and increase weight loss by improving insulin function.

Green tea catechin called EGCG when combined with caffeine can make green tea a potent metabolic booster.

Dosage :
1 to 3 capsules of 50mg green tea extract per day taken with food can be equivalent to up to 7 cups of green tea.

# 2 The CLA

The CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a fatty acid that helps to preserve lean body mass while promoting weight loss.

CLA affects two enzymes, one that breaks down fat in cells and one that breaks down fat in the blood. Used alongside green tea extract and L-carnitine, this dietary supplement can work wonders!

Dosage :
Studies show superior body fat loss and increased lean muscle mass for those taking 3-4 capsules per day with meals.

# 3 L-Carnitine

The L-carnitine is synthesized in the body from amino acids lysine and methionine, it comes mainly from meat and other animal products, as well as foods such as avocados and soybeans.

It is used in many dietary supplements and can be of benefit in many ways, including weight loss, muscle mass, bone mass, heart conditions, the immune system, and brain function.

Research shows that insulin levels must be high enough for sufficient amounts of potent L-carnitine to enter muscle cells, so take it at the right time!

Dosage :
For maximum results, 2-3 grams per serving with at least 30-40 grams of carbohydrate and 20-40 grams of protein, preferably with a meal.

# 4 Proteins

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How To Lose Chest Fat | How To Get Rid Of Body fat | How To Get Rid Of Hip Fat | How To Lose Buttock Fat | Weight loss

Protein is also a dietary supplement for weight loss because it makes us feel full and takes more work for the body to digest, unlike fast-acting refined carbohydrates.

Dosage :
On average, women should consume 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight depending on their height and goals. Men should consume an average of 2-3 g of protein per pound of body weight.

# 5 Beta-Alanine

Beta-Alanine is a dietary supplement helping to form carnosine composed in muscles that help to cushion lactic acid, reduce fatigue and increase exercise intensity. Many strength athletes take beta-alanine with creatine to increase power and muscle size.

Dosage :
For advanced athletes, consume 4-5 g per day, preferably before workouts or in the morning.

# 6 The ZMA

The ZMA is a dietary supplement containing zinc and magnesium, it is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders for its action on the recovery and contribution to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. It should be a daily dietary supplement for any serious athlete.

Dosage :
I recommend 2-3 capsules per day depending on your height and goals, preferably on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before bed.

# 7 Cod liver oil

The cod liver oil is a dietary supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) containing large amounts of vitamin A and D.

It is also an effective anti-inflammatory that contains important nutrients that play crucial roles in cardiovascular, immune, reproductive, and neurological health as well as supporting joints, bones, heart, and eyes.

Dosage :
For people who do not eat fish or other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, I recommend taking at least 500mg of cod liver oil per day (1 capsule usually contains 500mg of oil cod liver).

There is a wide range of “Max Strength” Cod Liver Oil dietary supplements available, which are in higher doses of 3 to 9 grams per day and are prescribed for people who have high triglycerides or cardiovascular disease.

# 8 Green coffee bean extract

Green Coffee Bean Extract is a dietary supplement that contains high levels of chlorogenic acid, which works to reduce the absorption of sugar into the blood by the intestine.

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How To Lose Chest Fat | How To Get Rid Of Body fat | How To Get Rid Of Hip Fat | How To Lose Buttock Fat | Weight loss

It then inhibits an enzyme in the liver so that less glucose is released into the bloodstream. With less glucose available, the body will use fat for energy, thus promoting fat loss.

The dosage for coffee extract may vary depending on what form you take it in. It is recommended that an ideal dose is 3 to 400 mg 30 minutes before each meal, 3 times a day.

# 9 The white bean

White beans, although it is not considered a dietary supplement, it is present in many dietary supplements promoting weight loss because it is natural carbohydrate inhibitor.

Carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to rise, causing excess blood sugar (glucose) to be converted to fat. Carbohydrate inhibitors work by inhibiting alpha-amylase, the enzyme that converts carbohydrates into glucose, thereby promoting weight loss.

A recent study found that among 123 overweight men and women, those who took 1000 mg of white bean extract three times a day with meals on a reduced-calorie diet for 3 months saw a loss of an average weight of 3 kilos.

# 10 Water

The latter is not a dietary supplement, but water is very important when our goal is weight loss! Water constitutes 55-75% of your body weight, you can survive weeks without food, but you cannot survive more than a few days without water.

When we consume a lot of carbohydrates, water helps store glucose as glycogen and helps metabolize fat, thus promoting fat loss, not to mention that it makes you feel full so you eat less, which in turn promotes loss. weight.

Remember, if your urine is not clear, then you are not drinking enough.

3 to 4 liters per day is crucial for losing weight. However, in some cases when a person is on an extreme diet, they can go up to 6 liters of water per day.

However, CLICK HERE for an advanced weight loss supplement that gives faster results.

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