How to lose weight without exercising and dieting

What Is The Best Weight Loss Diet?

Do you want to lose weight fast or are you looking for the best weight loss diet and a very fast diet to burn your fat? This article will help you. We present to you 15 weight loss programs that will allow you to lose weight very quickly. You will find out how each diet works and how quickly you can lose your first 5 pounds. To help you choose better, we will also tell you the pros and cons of each method.

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Weight Loss Diet 1: Fasting

How Does It work?

Fasting is an express diet that has only one rule: you should drink water and only water for the duration of the diet. You are allowed to drink water but you must refrain from any other food or drink.

How long to lose 5 pounds with fasting?

It takes 3 to 4 days.


Fasting is undoubtedly the fastest diet because you do not consume any calories so you will be able to lose weight very quickly. It is an inexpensive method. The feeling of hunger goes away after three or four days.


It is an extremely fast diet but very difficult to follow because you will most likely be hungry. To lose weight quickly with fasting, you have to be very motivated. Lack of food is usually accompanied by decreased energy levels, fatigue, drowsiness, possible dizziness, and decreased ability to concentrate. It also causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as possible loss of muscle tissue. It is preferable to have a medical follow-up. It is important not to fast over a long period, a few days at most.

Weight Loss Diet 2: The Natman Diet

How Does It Work?

The Natman diet is very short. It is a low-calorie diet that lasts only 4 days. The menus are mainly composed of foods very rich in protein with a little vegetable and fruit. After 4 days, you will continue to lose weight by following a healthy and balanced diet.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the Natman diet?

With this program, you can lose 4 pounds in just 4 days, although some can lose weight up to 5 pounds in 4 days.


You will not be hungry for the four days and you will not risk deficiencies. This program is easy to set up, you just have to strictly follow the proposed menu.


This diet is very low in calories so you may feel tired and weak. There is also a risk of yoyoing because you will be able to lose weight very quickly over a very short period. This diet can only be repeated once a month.

Weight Loss Diet 3: Detox Cure with the Lemon Diet

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Best and faster weight loss result

How Does It work?

The lemon diet detox cure is based on three liquids to drink: a specific recipe of lemonade, salt water, and herbal laxative tea. You are only allowed to take these three drinks for 10 days without any solid food or other types of drinks. The draining power of these 3 drinks will allow you to purge your body of toxins and facilitate rapid weight loss.

How long to lose 5 pounds with the lemon diet?

It takes about 7 days.


The main benefit is very rapid weight loss which helps to stop bad eating habits overnight in order to get you back on track to eat better. You will have to relearn how to eat a balanced diet at the end of the program to maintain your figure over time. This diet also rejuvenates your skin by getting rid of toxins, relieves sinusitis, and gives you a boost.


Among the negative effects, you will undoubtedly have cravings and fatigue. The 3 drinks can have a boring side. Possible headaches, vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea are to be expected. Some say they feel cold while going on this diet.

Weight Loss Diet 4: The Dukan Diet

How Does It work?

It is a high protein diet that consists of 4 phases that must be followed strictly in order to lose weight quickly. Protein keeps you full so you don’t feel the urge to eat large amounts. The first phase is called “attack”, it is the one that allows you to lose weight as quickly as possible. The second phase is to continue to lose weight but in a more gradual way. The last two phases aim to maintain your new weight over time.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the Dukan diet?

Thanks to the attack phase, you can lose 5 pounds in 7 days. Note that there is an express version that allows the Dukan diet to be even faster.


The Dukan diet is convenient and easy because it doesn’t require you to weigh your food or count calories. We can consider that it is a fast diet because it makes you lose weight quickly but this program is to be followed over several weeks or months depending on the weight you want to achieve. You will lose weight quickly at the beginning and then you will relearn how to eat well then give yourself new food bases that will allow you to keep the figure for a long time. You will eliminate junk food from your diet (industrial dishes, fatty foods, sugary foods, and alcohol).


In this diet, you must eat certain very specific vegetables or meats which may be considered a limitation for some. There can be some negative effects like constipation, bad breath, dry mouth, or oily hair. Dizziness or insomnia are common symptoms of a high protein diet.

Weight Loss Diet 5: The Cabbage Soup Diet

How Does It work?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a short-term, 7-day, low-calorie, low-fat diet. The main menu is cabbage soup which should be taken when you are hungry. This diet is not necessarily punctuated by meals. Cabbage is a negative calorie food, this means that its digestion burns more calories than it contains so you lose weight very quickly.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the cabbage soup diet?

You can lose up to 4 or 5 pounds in the space of a week.


It is a fast and effective diet. It is very easy to follow if you have enough willpower. The miracle soup will be your only diet which has a very practical aspect since you will need to prepare several liters of soup in advance that you can take to work or to the office.


This diet is very low in calories and could lead to dizziness. You may feel weak. You will probably not enjoy this diet because you will quickly get bored of cabbage soup but you have to hold on. It is possible to break the monotony of taste by adding spices (curry, paprika, peppers, etc.)

Weight Loss Diet 6: The Cosmonaut Diet

How Does It work?

It is an express diet spanning 3 days. The menu is very restrictive in calories and you will have a limited food choice, there is no sugar, no fat. You will mainly eat salad, eggs, red meat, and fish. You will need to drink plenty of water, 2 to 3 liters per day. The food is usually grilled. Cooking also uses lemon for its benefits.

How long to lose 5 pounds with the cosmonaut diet?

In three days, you can lose up to 3 pounds. The diet should not be followed for more than 3 days.


It is a very quick diet (only 3 days), so it is very easy to follow it if you are very involved.


This diet does not allow you to lose a lot of weight since it is to be followed over a very short period of time. It is poor in nutrients which can create certain deficiencies but it only lasts 3 days so this aspect is nuanced. Like any rapid weight loss, you have to pay attention to the yoyo effect. You must therefore motivate yourself during the diet and also discipline yourself afterward for at least 2 weeks in order not to resume.

Fast Diet 7: The Dissociated Diet

How Does It work?

It is a diet that assumes that certain foods make you fat when mixed together. The goal is therefore to make you lose weight by eating only a certain group of foods per day or per meal. There are several types of separate diets, but the operation remains the same: eat only foods from the same category.

How long to lose 5 pounds with the Dissociated diet?

It takes between 6 and 8 days.


This diet is simple and easy to follow. One day you will only eat rice, the next day you will eat fresh fruit, etc. It is effective because you will not feel hungry especially if the food of the day in question is one of your favorite foods.


With this diet, your body absorbs a less varied food which can lead to a lack of certain nutrients and a possible weakening of the muscles. This program can be monotonous and can be difficult to follow for a long time.

Weight Loss Diet 8: The Scarsdale Diet

How Does It work?

This diet is high in protein, low in fat, and low in carbohydrates. The menus are designed to provide you with a specific amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. It is a fast and very structured diet that should be followed for 14 days. Then comes another 14-day period that is much less restrictive but still with some recommendations on what you should eat. You will eat a lot of lean meats and vegetables. Grapefruit is also a very common food in meals.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the Scarsdale diet?

With this diet, you will be able to lose weight quickly by 4 kilos from the first week. It is, therefore, necessary to count a little more than 7 days to lose 5 kilos then you will be able to bring down your scale of approximately 9 kilos after 2 weeks.


This diet leads to significant weight loss in a short time. Like any quick and short diet, it’s easier not to crack compared to a diet that lasts several weeks or months. The menus are put together in advance so you don’t need to fiddle with your mind to know what to eat to lose weight. The abundance of protein limits the feeling of hunger.


The additional benefits mean that this diet leaves little room for food choice and menu improvisation. It carries certain risks of acid reflux and could in particular cause dysfunction of the renal system if it were followed over a very long period. Safe for 2 weeks. This program is very low in calories and you will be lacking some nutrients during this time.

Weight Loss Diet 9: The Hollywood Diet (Fruit Cure)

How Does It work?

This diet is generally used by Hollywood actresses to lose weight quickly before or during a shoot. It lasts between 10 and 15 days. We only eat fruit for 1 week. The recommended fruits are most often exotic but all fruits are allowed except bananas. You can eat as much as you want, but you should eat them two hours apart each time. After 7 days we start to eat normally, but with care.

How Long To Lose 5 Pounds With The Hollywood Diet?

You can lose up to 4 pounds in 1 week. If you continue this diet with a healthy diet and a little sport, you will lose 5 pounds after 10 days.


By eating natural fruits packed with vitamins, you will perform a complete cleansing of your body. This quick diet is very easy to follow, it can be done anywhere, you just need to bring your fruits with you. This diet is inexpensive.


You will not eat anything other than fruit for a week, so you will have to face the risk of deficiencies. The other negative effects are fatigue and anemia. It is a good idea to start the 2nd phase with a lot of red meat to reconstitute a maximum of red blood cells.

Weight Loss Diet 10: The High Protein Diet

How Does It work?

A high protein diet is a means of rapid weight loss based exclusively on a food intake made of protein combined with a total restriction of sugar and fat. This leads to ketogenesis which means that the body is forced to burn its fat stores for energy due to the greater unavailability of glucose which is its usual energy fuel.

How long to lose 5 pounds with the high protein diet?

Weight loss of 5 kg can be achieved within 8-10 days.


It is a quick diet that does not lose muscle but removes unsightly fat distributed over the body. No feeling of hunger, easy and flexible application, keeps skin sparkling.


Some negative effects can appear such as bad breath, constipation due to a lack of fiber, night cramps, and headaches. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is recommended.

Fast Diet 11: The Soup Diet

How Does It work?

This diet was designed to quickly lose weight in people requiring immediate hospitalization with surgery. There are many variations, but generally, the program lasts 7 days during which you will consume a low-calorie soup made from vegetables with slimming properties (onions, celery, cabbage, peppers, tomato…). It’s actually a way to get you to eat veggies and keep you hydrated. It is advisable not to mix or grind the soup. This soup is combined with two or three other foods per day (fruits + foods rich in protein). It is often followed by a stabilization phase.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the soup diet?

The average weight loss of this diet is around 3 kilos per week. You will lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks especially if you strictly follow the stabilization phase after the 7 days.


This diet allows you to lose weight quickly if you carefully follow the menus. You can eat as much soup as you want so you won’t be frustrated or hungry.


Low-calorie intake can cause fatigue. It is not uncommon to gain pounds once the diet is stopped. Knowing this, it is imperative to switch to a nutritious but balanced diet at the end of the diet in order to keep the line. Do not resume your bad habits otherwise you will quickly regain the lost pounds.

Weight Loss Diet 12: The Mayo Diet

How Does It work?

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It’s a quick 14-day diet that restricts your calorie intake to 1,000 calories per day. For this, you need to eat a lot of eggs about 6 per day. You are prohibited from eating certain foods: certain dried vegetables, dairy products, starches, and fruits except for grapefruit. No sugar and no fat.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the Mayo diet?

Allow between 10 and 15 days.


There are 2 main advantages: it is a relatively quick diet and extremely inexpensive. Eggs are affordable and can also satisfy hunger.


It is a boring diet and can promote the onset of cholesterol due to the high consumption of eggs.

Weight Loss Diet 13: The Thonon Diet

How Does It work?

The Thonon diet combines a reduction in calories and a diet rich in protein. The menus are developed over a period of 14 days and must be followed to the letter. Thereafter, there is a stabilization phase of one week per kilo lost with a specific amount of calories not to be exceeded in order to avoid regaining the lost weight.

How long to lose 5 pounds with the Thonon diet?

2 weeks are enough to lose 5 pounds if the menus are strictly followed.


A very effective and fast diet that avoids being hungry thanks to the joker food that you can eat at will every day. There is also a stabilization phase that will help you avoid the yoyo effect. The high protein intake helps preserve your muscles.


It is a low-calorie diet so you may feel low. It is not recommended for pregnant women, the elderly, and children. This diet is quick and short-term, so the menus are not very varied.

Weight Loss Diet 14: The Atkins Diet

How Does It work?

This diet works by excluding carbohydrates from your diet. Thus you will drastically reduce all foods that contain it such as pulses, fruits, milk, whole grains, sugary foods, and starches. You will eat a lot of fish, meat, and eggs. As with the high protein diet, weight loss is based on the principle of ketogenesis explained previously. Your body will draw its energy from your fat stores. This program of 4 phases although to be followed over several weeks is also classified in the category of fast diets since the first phase will allow you to lose weight very quickly.

How long to lose 5 pounds on the Atkins diet?

It takes about 2 to 3 weeks. Some report a weight loss of around 2 to 4 pounds in 1 week.


Little or no feeling of hunger. It is a fast and effective diet especially the first week and then it makes you lose weight more slowly thereafter. It is not necessary to exercise although it is highly recommended. It is well suited to people who find it difficult to deprive themselves.


This diet may be incompatible with those with kidney problems and may cause a possible rise in cholesterol. It can be difficult to hold on for a long time. Some deficiencies are to be overcome with food supplements.

Weight Loss Diet 15: The Fiber Diet

How Does It work?

This low-calorie diet is based on a diet rich in fiber. It provides an intake of 35 to 50 grams more fiber per day, compared to what is normally recommended. Fiber allows you to lose weight quickly because they facilitate intestinal transit and allow the capture and elimination of fats and sugars. You will eat a lot of vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and grains.

How long can you lose 5 pounds?

It takes about 2 to 3 weeks.


Fiber has a tendency to swell in the stomach which facilitates satiety, even with a low-calorie intake. Fiber is ideal for good digestion.


This diet is based on a certain type of food so the diet is a little varied which can make it monotonous. A sudden increase in fiber can sometimes cause bloating and stomach pain.

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