There are many ways to lose weight, but most of the people who are interested in losing weight are interested in reducing the amount of fat in their body or establishing healthier eating habits in general. All of the ways to lose weight involve burning more calories than a person consumes, which usually means making conscious choices in diet and supplements while adding exercise to their schedule. Many supplements like Fast Burn Extreme Weight Loss featured on this site, and exercise programs claim to have a special or unique method that promotes faster weight loss.
To lose weight, you should not go on any diet that would be dangerous to your health. Better to lose weight naturally and healthily. It’s much better for your health and it doesn’t deprive you of your favorite dishes. Plus, you don’t take the risk of gaining more weight after stopping your diet.
Here are some ways to lose weight healthily that you can alternate if you want.
This guide is designed to make the weight loss process much easier for you. It will help you:
• Reduce your appetite
• Lose weight without feeling hungry
• Improve your health
Step one – Eliminate Sugar and Simple Carbohydrates
Sugar and carbohydrates are not “poisons”, but they are one of the biggest causes of weight gain. Small amounts of these foods don’t hurt, but larger amounts can harm you. Sugar and simple carbohydrates (starch) are found in foods that are difficult to control and that people eat in large quantities: pastries, packaged candies, white bread, chocolate, donuts, cereals, sugary drinks, potatoes …
Why are these foods bad?
They are poorly saturated because they almost do not contain fiber or other useful substances;
They are very low in vitamins and high calories
They cause spikes in blood sugar, excessive insulin secretion, and can lead to impaired insulin efficiency (insulin is a hormone that stores carbohydrates as fat)
Food that is too sweet is addictive. Proof that sugar is addicting, keep sweets away from a child and watch their reaction. Crying, screaming, praying, hysteria! Symptoms of addiction. No child behaves this way if you take carrots or broccoli away from them.
Eliminating sugar and starches from your diet will lower insulin levels, curb your appetite, and help you lose weight without going hungry.
Step two – Eat Protein and Fresh, Natural Foods like Fruits and Vegetables
Each meal should have a source of protein and at least one fresh fruit or vegetable. Many nutritionists don’t recommend fruits because of the sugar they contain, but that doesn’t make sense for several reasons. The first is that man has always been eating fruit. They are an integral part of our diet. The second reason is that the fruit contains many vitamins, minerals, and other irreplaceable substances. The third is that fruits contain a lot of fiber and therefore are more saturated than some artificial sweet foods.
1 peach = 60 calories, i.e. 4 times fewer calories than 50g of Mars chocolate bar)
328 grams of kiwifruit = 200 calories = one 41 gram Snickers chocolate bar
It is advisable to avoid dried fruits, as they contain much more sugar and less fiber.
For fresh fruit, the best choices are plums, peaches, oranges, apples, or strawberries. Fruits fill your stomach with very few calories. Vegetables are even more effective in this regard, as they provide a longer-lasting feeling of fullness.
Low-fat vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, celery.
For protein, it is recommended to consume chicken, fish, seafood, and eggs. Protein is the macronutrient that contributes the most to the feeling of fullness and therefore the friend of anyone who wants to lose weight. Protein has also been shown to reduce appetite.
Third step – Walk
This weight loss program does not require you to exercise, but it is desirable. If you don’t have the time or the will to go to the gym, get around by bike or walk whenever you have the chance. Walk to the store, school, or work if you’re not too far. You will burn at least 200-300 calories per day.
Select a “cheat” day (optional)
You can choose a weekend day. On this day, eat ice cream, candy, and indulge in all your cravings, but only for a day. The rest of the week, these foods are your enemy again. This allows you not to deprive yourself of things that you love so as not to develop frustration.
Additional tips for weight loss
Drink plenty of water, coffee, or tea: it is important to meet your need for fluid. Coffee and tea speed up the metabolism.
Use smaller plates: Studies show that people eat less when they use smaller plates because they are acting subconsciously.
Sleep like a baby: Lack of sleep is associated with increased appetite and weight gain.
Reduce stress: Constant stress increases the level of a hormone called cortisol. This hormone can cause fat to build up in the abdomen.
If you follow this plan with discipline, you can lose 1 to 2 pounds per week depending on your initial weight. When you approach the ideal weight, it is more difficult to lose the last few pounds. In addition to weight loss, this program helps improve your overall health and lower blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure. However, click here for the best way to lose weight and the most recommended supplement that has several success stories.